Sunday SermonDoug Giles says it just the way I like in this sermon. While I admired John Paul II there is still some much needed reform in the Catholic Church that would bless them and Christianity much more. Some of the most messed up people I know are liberal and non practicing Catholics but some of the best Christians I know are also Catholics. (another seeming paradox)
I edited this one which showed a system crash before I could spell check or proof read and again it warned of errors so I expect maybe a double post or three soon. I just now was able to open comments after not being able to on Blogspot all morning. This blog stuff is getting to be too much like that four letter word called 'work' but I have always been stubborn and am still enjoying my freedom to blog to really care. Just gimmee a cause and I will be there.
I’d like to see the next pope take that gold-plated shepherd’s staff and publicly pulverize any priest who has committed an act of pedophilia and then personally escort such a Judas Priest to the papal dungeon to a) be executed or b) be forgotten forever. Can I get an amen?
Ay-mayun, brothah!
I disagree w/ much of what the Catholic Church teaches. Some of their dogmatic proclamations are pretty weird and unbiblical. That said, I admired the pope for the things he did right--standing against communism, saying no to abortion, euthanasia, etc. He deserved credit where it was due.
You know, the Catholic church has its problems. Not the least of which is purgatory. But if you have an honest moment you have to admit that the protestant church is a mess and largely inaffective.
I am careful not to malign the work of the Holy Spirit, and I believe that John Paul II was saved and that God is still working in that church.
Flicka you said it quite well. The Holy Spirit works with who he will. No human is qualified to judge what God allows and does. Only to praise, watch and pray daily.
Whal ya coulda just E-mailed them. I sent a backup copy that was actually spellchecked (needed it)to you by E-mail. In case the Blogspot monster ate it. I am getting lazy about posting but much of what I do is intense and I cannot talk about it anyway. My thanks to those who have commented. You all have good blogs that I will visit as time permits.
Hey Al, I appreciate any comments you leave on my blog. I ain't going to be offended when you're not able to spend much time there, though. I know how busy life can get. =)