Love is Tough Enough
Friday, April 29, 2005
Sorry folks, I am still kind of dysfunctional. Turning fifty and realizing that automatically makes me a member of AARP (not to mention that they are run by Dumbocrats and traitors by nature) is sobering to say the least. I still remember the days when I was the 'kid' on the block. The fact is that my medical problems have only gotten worse and it is painful to do simple physical activities any more. I find it difficult to be much of a mentor to the younger people that I have trained in the past. They have grown up and are moving on as it should be but I am stuck with filling out paperwork as I am forced to apply for a disability retirement before the inevitable slide into end of life issues. I have worked hard enough that I can at least enjoy some fruit of my labors and still be there for my family for now. Life is what you make of it and when time runs out I hope that each of you can face it with courage as you are thankful for what you have been so freely blessed with. Therin lies my dilemma and difficulty in posting something as painful yet real as it gets. My cardiac doc was having a frank discussion with me the other day and told me that guys like me have a tendency to suddenly drop dead. So if you quit hearing from me that is the most likely event. I know some trolls will be made happy by this news but that is OK because I know that I will be in a much better place and having the first laughs of the rest of my marvelous new life.
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Well - while you'd be missed by some people, at least - I know who you'd be with, so I can't say I'd feel too bad about it. =)

Keep focusing on Father, and He will get you through the pain and discomfort.
Thanks Arielle, I knew you would understand. Took a day off and feel much better. The paperwork is the most depressing thing so far. The realization that I can never do full time work again was a stunner since I have always been very active and probably worked more overtime and extra days than most. I have gotten into the habit of just putting more effort into what I do and ignoring the pain as much as possible but the time has come that I can no longer be fully functional.
Happy Birthday Al! (Belated) My 50 is coming up here before very long now. I'm sorry you are having such a hard time physically. The medical system does not give very good advice on what can help you the most with your "tent." If you check out you might find some real help there. It is pretty radical but feeling good is worth radical in my opinion. Check it out, it is worth a try. Read the testimonials since that is where you will get the encouragement to do a radical change. Their weekly email is great, too.
Take care of yourself, Al. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. In the meantime, I'll be around. God bless you, my friend.
Damn, Al, AARP is after you, too? I rip those bastards crap up once a week. I AM starting to fill out every rinky-dink 50 to 100 thousand dollar life insurance policy my banks and credit cards offer me. Nice to see the family get a few bucks when I drop.
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