The Trials of Using SSDIOr maybe the title should be never trust your government to do anything right. To say that I am disappointed in the people who administer this program is a monumental understatement. After talking twice to Social Security representatives I had the understanding that since I never applied for SSI that the first month payment which they held back should be paid. Then I call again because two weeks of the within ten days that I was to be contacted had passed. I called and got Sonia on the phone. I explained what had been happening and that the contact deadline had passed. Sonia decided since it was just before the holiday she was going to play head games with me and told me the rules state that no one is paid for the first month of eligibility. I explained that I had waited the five months and the letter of award stated that my first payment had been held back. I learned a valuable lesson if you are dealing with a black civil servant you might as well hang up and hope that you get somebody who can actually understand plain english and does not resent white males. She told me that she would send me a pamphlet explaining the rules. She instead sent me a pamphlet explaining about the Ticket to Work and Self Sufficiency Program. Sounds like a strong hint to me. Then again maybe I can get a job where I have the power to play petty games with people who need medical help. They say power corrupts and petty power must corrupt also. Unfortunately for Sonia I am an intelligent white male and I plan on complaining about her to as many people as I can. That includes my district congressman and senator both of whom I have written and gotten responses from in the past. I plan on calling her supervisor on Monday to start the ball rolling. Today I write about this in my blog which is a small thing of limited readership to be sure. The thing is that God uses the weak things of this world to confound the mighty. The few that do come here have the power of prayer and have an awesome God as our resource. Keep me in your prayers as I tilt against the next windmill here in La Mancha. Yer Mad Pro Life Friend and Fiend, Al of Alnot.
¶ 6:17 AM