Doan Mess with a US Sniper. Wearing a suicide bomb vest does not make you .50 cal bullet proof Terrorist dummy.

I think I hear the bus, where is my leash? I love meeting Alex when he gets home.

Party Time Alex at Nineteen
Love is tough enough to outlast stupidity
I started this blog because I love my now nineteen year old son Alex and wanted to share some of his story in pictures and history. My motto is that only love is tough enough to outlast stupidity. There are examples of the early years in the picture link. There will be more as my daughter just got finished doing a powerpoint presentation as part of her college work toward a teaching degree.Alex was born two months prematurely in a rural area of Arizona. He is multiply handicapped. We were told he would never talk and he does. They told us he would be blind and he can see. They asked us if we did not want him and if the state should take care of him. We told the doctors he is our child and we will take him home because we love him. We did and we have been through a lot together. The surgeries, the pneumonia, asthma and reflux projectile vomiting. He has participated in Special Olympics, school and church not to mention having great fun at Disneyland. He is a vital part of our family and community. Here is a link for pictures. Fingers crossed hoping it works.
You should see the other guy
And http://pak05.pictures.aol.com/NASApp/ygp/Login?event=DirectView&shareInfo=aeVRhXusOtKt%2bXg9m%2blqMEAhZ5%2fswd7S5pv4naq4uBtWGd%2bBXiXp6w%3d%3d&pageName=AlbumViewFromEmails&locale=en_US